- Remove Roadblocks
o How does the church change its governance, bylaws, and policies to facilitate giving?
o How does the church develop new channels and methods of giving that are in line with younger generations’ patterns? - Tell Your Story
o How does the church communicate (using Websites, social networking, and even printed media) its programming opportunities and building needs in ways that appeal to younger adults?
o How does the church encourage financial support from non-members and non-attendees who believe in our causes? - Be Creative
o How does the church (ministers and members) change its mindset from funding programs and activities through the annual budget to each one being self-funding?
o How does the church expand the types of revenue streams so that we have a diversified portfolio and are less vulnerable to risk? See “The Baker’s Dozen.
1. Undesignated Gifts
2. Wills, bequests and planned giving
3. Grants and foundations
4. Endowments, reserves, investments, and interest income
5. Fees for service
6. Rental income
7. Event registration
8. Cost recovery
9. Special offerings
10. Capital campaigns
11. Designated gifts
12. Sale of materials or resources
13. In-kind services
Lead On!
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